Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why the session is taking more time than normal in oracle database ?

Step 1: Check the Alert log for errors
Step 2: Check with the end user on how long the session used to take to complete.
Step 3: Check with user whether any increase in the volume of data being
Step 4:  Check the wait events for this sessions by using the query given below
              select p1, p2, p3, event
from   v$session_wait
where sid=&session_id;
Also check the following:
select count(*), event
from    v$session_wait
group   by event;
Step 5:  Identify the tables begin accessed by that session using below query
select owner, object, type
from   v$access
where sid=&session_id
and     owner not in (‘SYS’,’SYSTEM’);
Step 6:  Check whether Statistics have been generated for these tables identified
              using the following query:
              select  last_analyzed, num_rows
              from   dba_tables
              where  owner=’&table_owner’
              and      table_name=’&object_name’;
              Note: If the table is partitioned, check in dba_tab_partitions also and
                         for subpartitions check in dba_tab_subpartitions.
Step 7: Check whether Statistics have been generated for the indexes of the tables
             Identified Using the following query:
             select  last_analyzed, num_rows
             from   dba_indexes
             where  table_owner=’&table_owner’
             and      table_name=’&table_name’;
             Note: If the table is partitioned, check in dba_ind_partitions and for
                       subpartitions check in dba_ind_subpartitions.
Step 8:  If Statistics is not up-to-date, Generate stats using dbms_stats package.
Step 9:  Follow the approach given in below for sql tuning.
Avoid Using the Following:
a. Boolean Operators, Is null & Is not Null.
b. not in, != Operators
c. like ‘%patterns’, not exists
a. Enable aliases to prefix all columns.
b. Use sql joins instead of sub-queries
c. Make the tables with the least number of rows as the driving table by keeping them first in the FROM clause.
d. Use concatenated indexes wherever appropriate.
e. Pick up the Best Join method.
f. Nested loops joins are best for indexed joins of subsets.
g. Hash joins are usually the best choice for "big" joins
h. Pick the best "driving" table
i. Use bind variables. Bind variables are key to application scalability.
j. Use Oracle hints wherever appropriate
k. Compare performance between alternative syntax for your SQL statement

                  Use Explain Plan to Identify the Access path being used by the query.
                  Syntax is explain plan for actual_sql_statement;
                  You can see the output of the explain plan by running the following sql:
                  Alternatively, You can also trace the session by using the
                  following Command:
                  alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever,level 12';
                  Run the sql Query.  This will generate the trace file in udump directory.
                  Use tkprof utility to get the readable output of this trace file.  Use the
                  following Syntax:
                  tkprof trace_file_name trace_file_name.out sys=no explain=userid/pwd
                  This tkprof output file trace_file_name.out will have the access path
                  Used by the queries and as well the various timed statistics like
                  cpu time, elapsed time etc.

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